What we put our attention on, grows.
I invite you to put your attention to all those people, skills, experiences and things that you want more of in your life, by expressing your gratitude during these 21 days.
I am inspired to start this
‘Gratitude Journalling Journey ’
for staying grounded and connected to my purpose of supporting individuals through their personal growth and personal mastery journeys.
I invite you for the 21 Days Gratitude Journalling Challenge.
Create space for gratitude, and deepen your appreciation for who you are, the life you lead, the people you love, for nature and the world around you.

Why: [please find your own ‘why’ to do this.
Why should I do gratitude Journalling?
Why should I do it now? ]
How: Recall at least one thing (you could mention more than one too) you're thankful for each day.
List of tried and tested activities with my clients and my GJJ Family (Gratitude Journalling Journey Family) :
Gratitude activity Day 01 :
1. Write down ( in your personal journal ) the names of everyone who have contributed to your life so far.
2. You will be amazed at the long list that you will end up creating.
3. Be grateful to each one of them for all they have done.
4. Bless them with all your heart.
Gratitude activity Day 02 :
Today, let’s be thankful for all that we take for granted in life.
Being grateful for the things we take too lightly, or say, fail to properly notice or appreciate (someone or something that should be valued).
Eg. We often take our freedom for granted.
Gratitude activity Day 03 :
Our destiny is tied directly to and starts with our thoughts.
American essayist, poet and philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.”
This quote inspired me to prompt you to practice this affirmation and express gratitude to everything and everyone in our lives as we mindfully affirm one sentence through the day…..
Every moment, of every day, I live my life abundantly.
Don’t forget to leave a line or two of your thoughts in your journal.
Gratitude activity Day 04 :
Gratitude activity to elevate your morning
(Simple yet powerful technique to raise your frequency to gratitude.)
Law of the Universe
“Whatever you are grateful for you get more of.” Gratitude frequency is equal to flow state and when you are in flow state you attract every thing you are grateful for.
Practice gratitude thoughts as soon as you wake up. List out in your journal whatever you accomplished from last morning —to last night.
Eg. I am so grateful I woke up early and meditated /I am so grateful I spent time with my family / am so grateful I devoted the desired time to my work.
…..and so on and so forth….
Remember, gratitude is a multiplier and one of the highest frequencies!
Gratitude activity Day 05 :
Gratitude activity to elevate your day
Being in awareness and asking conscious questions from the Universe
Conscious questions are those that our logical mind cannot respond to and the answer has to come from The Universe. These questions are so empowering that The Universe has to dig into their database and find the response. And when we receive these answers, they shift us—-transform us— and elevate us.
These responses from The Universe can come through various sources such as a book/ text you read; while having the shower; while watching something; in your a dream;
while walking or jogging; while having a conversation, etc.
The answer can come in any form, try asking a conscious question and seek guidance from The Universe. And then, be in awareness, the answer will come. Don’t forget to express gratitude for the response you receive from The Universe.
State your gratitude in present tense
Today write this.
I am grateful for the answer to the question I have receive from The Universe and my question is ……(write in personal journal )
Gratitude activity Day 05 :
Social media can be a double-edged sword
Connection = more happiness
Comparison = less happiness
Using social media to make genuine connections with others can create fulfilment in your life.
State your gratitude.
Gratitude activity Day 06 :
Manifestation of good experiences for future while expressing and receiving gratitude—is creating positive neural pathways and ultimately this will create permanently grateful and positive disposition.
Every day provides us enough moments to be grateful for, but are we mindful enough to notice those moments? Gratitude and appreciation can be expressed for smallest of things. One doesn’t have to wait for some miracles to happen to express one’s love, appreciation and gratitude. Without some degree of mindfulness, one is less likely to notice these awesome things that exist in our everyday lives.
Gratitude activity Day 07 :
1. Write down ( in your personal journal ) the names of everyone who has contributed to your life so far since your childhood.
2. You will be amazed at the long list that you will end up creating.
3. Be grateful to each one of them for all they have done.
4. Bless them with all your heart.
Gratitude activity Day 08 :
“Gratitude blocks toxic emotions, such as envy, resentment, regret, and depression, which can destroy our happiness.”
Listing two or three items each day and focusing on experiencing gratitude for them can decrease emotional exhaustion, stress and depression and improve overall happiness.
Activity for the day Take a moments to focus on what you see, hear, taste, touch, and feel. This can help you gain a greater appreciation of the world around you and what it means to be alive.
While gratitude is generally viewed as having a host of wide-ranging benefits, situations that make it sense of obligation could potentially contribute to feelings of stress. The pressure to feel grateful, particularly times such as thanksgiving and Christmas, can also contribute to feelings of stress.
However, these potential pitfalls are relatively minor compared to the enormous benefits of practicing gratitude. Please do not put too much pressure on yourself, but making an effort to cultivate a sense of gratitude is something worth adding to your daily life. Continue your journey of gratitude journaling.
Gratitude activity Day 09 :
Take a moments to focus on what you see, hear, taste, touch, and feel.
Invite the smiles into your moment now. And share what changes instantly for you - internally and then as a result, externally.
Express your gratitude in present tense
Remember, gratitude is a multiplier and one of the highest frequencies!
Gratitude activity Day 10 :
By expressing gratitude for what we have and what we want we manifest more of those in our lives. By this practice we activate the Reticular activating system (RAT) in our brain which filters only those things easily which the brain is familiar with.
By feeling gratitude holistically and expressing and journaling it with all our senses, we rewire our brain to receive more of those positive energies in our life. ( it also works the other way, please be mindful of it).
Take a moments to focus on your breathing l, and on what you see, hear, taste, touch, smell and feel. Express gratitude for your sense organs and also all other organs of your body.
Invite a smile into your moment now. And share what changes instantly for you - internally and then as a result, externally.
Remind yourself to smile more often through the day.
What are you grateful for today?
Gratitude activity Day 11 :
Take a moments to focus on your breathing l, and on what you see, hear, taste, touch, smell and feel. Express gratitude for your sense organs and also all other organs of your body.
Invite a smile into your moment now. And share what changes instantly for you - internally and then as a result, externally.
Remind yourself to smile more often through the day.
What are you grateful for today?
Gratitude activity Day 12 :
Take a moments to focus on your attention on something/someone around you with the child like curiosity. Observe the shift in energy.
Express gratitude for how you feel.
(Repeat the above cyclically or add your own activity/practice to the ones listed above)
We can’t change our past, but we can make adjustments (by being that person in this moment who is capable of sustaining that desired future) in our present towards a desired future (desired future self —-who we are capable of being)
Research in the field of Positive Psychology has shown that practicing gratitude can lead to deeper meaningful relationships, improved sense of optimism, better physical & mental health, and increased levels of happiness. Keeping a daily gratitude journal is not the only practice you can adopt— you can also experience the deep benefits of gratitude when you share the feeling with others, or when you write a thank-you note, or even writing a letter to someone you are grateful for & giving it to them in person, helps us get in touch with the abundant flow of love, compassion, and connection. These qualities keep us close to those we love and cherish, and when we share the fruits of our gratitude practice with others, we externalise and expand our abundance mindset, and unleash its creative potential into the world, and at Gratitude Journalling Journey Family ( my community ), we did this together. We are waking up everyday to the great beauty that surrounds us.
Although, we know that there will still be struggles, but now we are aware of the abundant resources we have at our disposal to face them.
Thought for you to reflect.......
How many thank-you notes are you writing today?
Who are you thanking in person today?